ajaxlepinski wrote: “Then there was the time Taco Bell tried to market their ill-fated Primus 7-layer Wynona’s Big Brown Beaver burrito and the advertised it as ‘smelling authentic.’ They just didn’t have their pulse on what the people want"
Absolutely brilliant
"I understand the science behind it. But you know what I trust more than science? Tony Iommi."
GuitarBilly wrote:Anyone who played an 800 "model" in a Kemper/Fractal/Helix and think they know what a raging 2203 sounds like is pretty much the guitar equivalent of a virgin nerd that thinks watching porn counts as sex experience.
NinjaRaf wrote:6505 is 100% balls to the fucking walls low end and aggression. It is FUCKING PISSED. Like an 18 year old angry at the world. + is a bit less angry, like maybe a 35 year old man angry.